Building business relationships in an international SSC/GBS environment – Dutch, British, Romanian and Indian culture
Kategoria: BUSINESS SKILLS, Szkolenia SSC/GBS
The workshops are intended for the people in business who work internationally on daily basis.
It will be an interactive session for group of participants who show their interest in the destination cultures.
Most important aspect of the session is to discover own cultural styles and preferences and then to compare its possible preferences in the destination cultures.
An experience based discussion creates possibilities use life examples from the group and to analyze them based on cultural contexts.
Study cases as a helpful tool to convert the theory into action.
As a result of the workshop the participants will:
• increase their competences and cultural skills.
• gain the knowledge of the target cultures –preferred working styles in the destinations of interest.
• enhance their plan for future intercultural interactions.
A keen international trainer, facilitator and public speaker. Has over 20 years of experience in leading programmes on relocation, diversity, communication and intercultural management including coaching top executives in their international assignments. Develops training programmes on cultural awareness, multicultural team building, leadership and conflict resolution in multicultural teams. practical workshops address the range of relationship-building skills in working with Americans, Dutch, Germans, French and many other cultures.
• To understand how culture affects the way of thinking, perceiving reality and acting and why and when culture matters in work issues.
• Learn how to recognize your own styles and preferences.
• Gain understanding of the differences between cultures with a special focus on the Netherlands, UK, Romania, India.
• Learn how to build partnerships with people of different cultures.
• Cultural survey filled in by the group in the room
• Study cases – group work
• Presentation ppt
• Example based discussion
1. How culture affects the way of thinking, perceiving reality and acting?
• Why and when culture matters in work issues.
• Concept of culture –Iceberg of culture,.
• Onion+ Software of mind + Normal distribution (Gauss).
2. Dimensions of culture.
• Discussion of key dimensions for comparing and contrasting ways of thinking and behaving including hierarchy, group, relationships, communication, time, control, formality and motivation.
• Description of the cultural dimensions comparing of own results with general country results.
/Cultural survey filled in by the group in the room. Possibility to assess own cultural preferences based on filled in survey, but also on the discussion on presented dimensions of culture./
3. Building diversity and inclusion in an organization.
• The relevance of inclusion and diversity for yourself personally and your organization.
/Introduction and practice the core skills of Inclusive Leadership./
4. Main areas for concern while getting in touch with foreign stakeholders, partners or clients.
• Tips on working globally with international colleagues and clients from the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Romania and Indian cultures.*
5. Cultural values
• Understanding where the main differences happen – intercultural interfaces. Focus on destination business cultures.
/Analysis of study cases in small groups/
6. Golden rules of communication across cultures
• Role of the language – verbal/non-verbal communication.
• Giving feedback.
• Global English – the role of the language we use.
– how will we be understood by others from another cultures? We don’t see things as they are – we do see things as we are!
• Focus at the development of key skills: cultural diligence, style matching and cultural dialogue.
/Participants receive tools to consciously increase their cultural awareness – self awareness and other awareness. It converts into higher quality of intercultural interactions./
7. Evaluation.
* This training applies to selected countries. If you are interested in a different scope, please contact us.
** Programme protected by copyright. All rights reserved. Copying, duplication and use of part or all of the information, programmes contained in ADN Academy’s offer in electronic or other form without the permission of the author is prohibited.
• In Polish version.
• As a closed training, exclusively for employees of your organisation or centre.

Cost: 1390 zł + 23% VAT
Price includes:
• participation
• handouts
• coffee breaks
• lunch
• certificate
Timeframe: 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m
Breaks during the training, to be arranged as needed with the trainer
Do you have any questions?
Please, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Wioletta Świercz
tel. (22) 208 21 29 | kom. 504 435 986